1- Decimal place value and computation
11- Decimals to the thousandths place Quiz
22- place value shuffle Quiz
33- Composing and decomposing decimals Quiz
44- Comparing decimals Quiz
55- Rounding decimals Quiz
67- Modeling decimal addition Quiz
78- Modeling decimal subtraction Quiz
89&10 - Estimating decimal differences - subtracting to the thousandths place Quiz
2- Number relationships
3- Multiplication with whole numbers
4- Division with whole numbers
5- Multiplication and Division with Decimals
231- Multiplying by powers of ten Quiz
242&3- Multiplying decimals by whole numbers - Multiplying tenths by tenths Quiz
254- Multiply Decimals Using the area of a rectangle model Quiz
265&6- Multiplying decimals through the hundredths place - Multiplying decimals through the thousandths place Quiz
277&8- Decimals and the metric system - measurement, decimals and powers of ten Quiz
289- Solving multi-step story problems Quiz
2910&11- Dividing by powers of ten- Patterns and relationships in powers of ten Quiz
3012&13 - Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers - Dividing Decimals by Decimals Quiz